PM Imran Khan and Saudi crown prince discuss Occupied Kashmir Situation

PM Imran Khan and Saudi crown prince discuss Occupied Kashmir Situation

PM Imran Khan and Saudi Prince Mohammad Bin Salman

Prime minister Imran Khan held a telephonic conversation with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman on Monday night and discussed Occupied Kashmir Situation

According to reports, PM Imran Khan told the Saudi Prince about recent scenario in Occupied Kashmir. They also discussed the entire regional situation.

Since 4th August, Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK) is under strict curfew and blockade of sorts of communication with in Iok and outside with the world. To this date, 23 days has passed, still curfew and blockade has not been lifted. A faminine like situation is emerging there due to shortage of daily life essentials like food and medicine.

Under these circumstances, Pakistan is raising the voice of Occupied Kashmir and highlighting the issue on International forum effectively. And India is making its all-out efforts to put the Kashmir Issue again back under the carpet but failed to do so, as the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has invalidated Indian claims that Kashmir is their Internal issue.

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